
Sunday, April 10, 2011

Going Green

Spring is here (finally) and Earth Day will be celebrated this month which makes this a good time to think about “greening” your business.  Being green is not only good for the environment – it’s good for business.  It can save your business money and more and more customers are seeking out businesses that are “green”.   You can decide just how “green” you want your business to be.   You can do a little or a lot depending on what works for you.  
Here are 10 simple things you can do today to “green” your business.

1.  Turn off the lights when you’re not in your office, kitchen or bathroom
2.  Replace disposable cups in your company kitchen area with mugs
3.  Place a recycle bin in every office and your kitchen to encourage employees to recycle food containers
4.  Put a sign up by the copy machine encouraging double sided printing
5.  Purchase recycled office products, paper, and toilet paper for your office
6.  Create electronic versions of materials such as media kits and reports and post them to your website
7.  Adopt an area around your building, street or park near by and have an employee clean up day
8.  Limit the time you spend on the road traveling to meetings by calling or Skype-ing in whenever possible
9.  Encourage and reward employees who carpool, ride the bus, walk or bike to work and finally... re-use and recycle outdated office furniture or donate it rather than throwing it out!

Spring is here – let’s get GREEN!

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