In these tough times when many companies are dealing with cash flow challenges, layoffs and folks out of work with the flu – we’re all doing more with less. Which is why it’s especially important to acknowledge the hard work and sacrifices of your employees.
Thanking your employees doesn’t have to cost much or anything at all. It might surprise you that survey after survey of workers says that what they want most from their employers is to feel appreciated. Sure – a cash bonus, raise or an expensive gift would be nice. But few of us expect that – especially in these times. It can cost you little or nothing to show appreciation for your employees. Starting with a “please” and a “thank you”.
Some employers offer additional time off as a thank you and flexible schedules,
which many of us appreciate. Others send hand written thank you notes to employees at their homes. I love that idea! Sure an email “thank you” is great but receiving a personal note sent to your home – away from the office is a great way of saying that I care enough about thanking you to take the time to craft a note, stamp it and mail it. Plus the recipient can share it with their family ad post it on the fridge next to their kids report card. A simple thing to do that has great impact.
Positive reinforcement like this is good for business. We all like to be told we’re doing a great job. Employers who constantly criticize and put down their workers without any positive reinforcement can expect employees who under perform thinking “what’s the point of doing a good job when I’m not appreciated for it anyway.”
Bottom line – don’t take your employees for granted. We all need a pat on the back once in a while from the boss. It fuels us – it makes us want to continue to do well – it makes us feel valued and appreciated.
And to all you employees reading this -take a moment and thank your boss. Times are tough and many bosses are extra stressed and worried these days. If your boss has been good to you – thank him or her. If they are generous enough to give you something a little extra this season – even if it’s a Jam-of-the-Month Club membership - be extra grateful!
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