Depending on the needs of your business. flex time may include the option of telecommuting, job sharing, or flexibility in terms of days and hours worked…
Whatever it may be…here are some tips to ensure maximum output from your flex time employees…
One - Clearly communicate the goals you have for your business and the employee's role in achieving those goals.
Two - Establish and communicate clear and measurable work plans for your flex time employees
Three - Determine the frequency and method of communication you will require from them - such as a daily phone call or email, scheduled face to face meetings or a weekly work summary.
Four - Schedule regular face to face meetings or conference calls with all of your employees to make sure everyone is on the same page, getting the same information and working as a team.
Five - Check in regularly with your flex time employees to be certain the arrangement is working well for both you and them and make adjustments as necessary.
Follow these flex time tips to keep both you and your employees happy!
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