I am embarrassed to admit that I recently purchased a bed frame from a local store that specializes in custom made maple frames and I completely messed it up! I had to assemble the bed. There were instructions included but I guess I thought I could figure it all out without reading the directions (that always got me into trouble in school).
I managed to assemble the bed frame - no problem! It was when I opened up the box that contained the slats that were to lay across the frame to support the mattress - that things went terribly wrong! The slats were all attached with heavy webbed strips. For some reason - that I can't explain - I got it into my head that the strips should be cut! So... I went about cutting off the strips that were firmly stapled onto each wooden slat. Fortunately something stopped me in my tracks before I had cut every last one and I decided --- hummm --- maybe I should take a look at those directions!
ohhhhhh nooooooooooooooo --- the slats were meant to be attached! I was to roll them onto the bed frame... they were held together for a purpose. I was mortified with myself and the mortification was magnified the next day when I packed the slats up in the box and walked into the store and admitted my "bad".
The nice woman working there gave me that "you did not really do that" look - with a smile and was very gracious and told me they would re-attach the slats for me. A week later they called me to tell me my slats were ready and I could come in and pick them up. I got there and they told me they just ordered me another set of slats .... no worries.... no charge... !
They - the Bedworks in Brewer, Maine deserve a Gold Medal for putting up with my numbness and correcting "my" mistake! I learned my lesson and they earned my loyalty! I may not be the sharpest tool in the drawer when it comes to furniture assembly - but I know a good local business when I see one!
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